Each county features a community services office where families can receive a variety of services that are designed to help low income families manage their resources; reduce expenses; and develop the skills to become self-reliant. Most services have specific eligibility guidelines. Services are individualized according to a family’s unique situation and may include such services as:
Emergency (Crisis) Assistance: Crisis services may include food, medical assistance, housing assistance, utility assistance, or clothing. An Emergency Food Pantry is located in each county to assist eligible individuals with nutritional needs.
Nutrition Assistance: Community Services staff help families with food security through emergency food pantries located in each center and through monthly Commodity distribution.
Energy Assistance: LVCAP has a variety of energy assistance programs that can help families with their energy costs. Eligibility guidelines differ by program, and different programs operate in specific times of the year.
Employment Services: Assistance with education and employment is arranged for adults or youth to improve economic security. Services may include educational assistance (books, tuition, or GED testing fees).
Weatherization: Community Services staff help families apply for Weatherization Assistance, which provides energy and safety- related home repairs.
Melissa Reid, Community Services Director, 606-845-0081
Brayln Kielman, Fleming County Coordinator, 606-845-0081
Judy Craycraft, Lewis County Coordinator, 606-796-3893
Marianne Knott, Mason County Coordinator 606-564-8389
Sheila Collins, Bracken County Coordinator, 606-735-2948
Linda Edwards, Robertson County Coordinator, 606-724-5513